Heather Lutze Speaking at AuthorU About SEO
Posted by Marty Dickinson on Feb 27, 2010
I’m sitting here on a Saturday morning on February 27, 2010, and just heard Heather Lutze for the first time speaking about SEO to a group of 90 or so at AuthorU’s first all-day Saturday seminar event, led by Judith Briles. Heather did a great job explaining the “sweet spot” so to speak for which we should be targeting keywords.
It always seems like people I talk to want the “big” keywords. But, she showed how the best keyword phrases to go after are in the 3, 4, 5, 6 keyword phrases. In fact, she reported that 52.9% of all people searching on search engines search for more than 3 keywords in their search phrase.
I also liked her examples of mistakes that most authors make with their websites, like having a page with the title “About the Author.” What exactly does “about the author” have to offer Google as a search term? Nothing. And, so many authors have a page expecting to get search presence for “about the author.”
Heather is a frequent speaker around the country and is located in Denver. Her SEO company, the Findability Group has 11 employees and has been around for 10 years. I recommend Heather for any speaking gig with an audience that would appreciate education on current SEO techniques.
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