How to Choose Which Seminars to Attend
Posted by Marty Dickinson on Oct 6, 2009
Up until about a month ago, the seminar business was in a severe hole. Economy-struck attendees put their wallets away in fear of spending a red cent for travel or education.
Webinars attempted to fill the learning gap but we all soon realized there is just no substitute for joining as a group in person.
That’s all changed now as you and I have inundated e-mail boxes full of seminar sales pitches, more webinars, and local workshops.
Last week I suggested you consider checking out my former client Byron Walker’s Affiliate marketing event in Golden Colorado (which is already 70% full I might add) and I look forward to seeing many of you there.
So how do you pick?
After all, the worst thing you could do is shut yourself off from all the great learning events coming up.
The most important thing is to attempt to exclude cost from the process. Meaning, I don’t care if an event is $10 or $10,000. If it pays for itself because of something you learned and applied or someone you met continued business worth….it was worth it!
So, beyond the money, what are the 3 most important criteria to evaluating whether or not to attend?
1. Who’s Presenting - If you’ve seen someone present before at one event, chances are their presentation won’t stray too far when they present at another. But if you like a particular presenter, you know that person would probably not waste his or her time presenting at a worthless event.
2. The Topic Being Presented – If you know for a fact that you will never ever EVER attempt to sell anything on Ebay, then why go out of your way to go to an Ebay seminar? Conversely, if you hear about a really hot topic, and you’re curious, those are the events you really should consider attending.
3. Who is Referring You - Until you’re on a list, you won’t even know 99% of the events that go on. They’re often not promoted on t.v. or radio. You wouldn’t think to search for them on Google. What I look for is frequency. Does the referrer suggest I attend everything under the sun? Or do they help qualify the event for me by telling me “I highly recommend this event if…”
When you put all three of these pieces together, a hot topic you really should know more about, a speaker you know is high quality, plus you’ve had an honest referral, those are the events to attend.
So, ahemmm, again I’d like to recommend Byron’s event coming up if you haven’t checked it out yet.
It has all the components of an event you really should attend.
And make sure to use Discount Code Number “DISC154″ when you claim your seat.
All the best,
Marty Dickinson
HereNextYear, Inc.
P.S. I’ll be there too, so make sure to stop by my booth.
Here’s the order link again.
(Use Discount Code Number “DISC154″)
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