Internet Safety Makes News
Posted by Marty Dickinson on Jul 24, 2007
What do MySpace, Miss America and Seatbelts have in common? They all promote safety. Yahoo! News reports that MySpace has identified and deleted 29,000 sex offenders’ listings from their system. Congrats to MySpace for taking this long awaited action. Bet that sex offender sting on that television show brought some motivation their way.
And then there’s Miss America who even got into it with congress today! Awe, how sweet that she’s begging congress to require education of children to protect themselves from online predators.
I’m happy for MySpace and MA for their contributions. But, who will bring awareness to the masses about the dozens of ways we are at risk by using the Internet on a daily basis? There are so many ways that so many people have no idea that the damage is being done. And it’s happening right under their (and my) nose.
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