My First YouTube Video in Blog
Posted by Marty Dickinson on Jun 23, 2008
As part of my blog diary, I wanted to post my first YouTube video within my blog. So, I started an account at and uploaded this mpg file of my 9-year-old surprising a ski instructor during a nastar race at Copper Mountain, our favorite weekend skiing hangout during the winter months. I’ll be making more comments about what I do with this video (and others), but this is the starting point.
This is the first time I’ve uploaded anything to YouTube and I was amazed how easy it really is. YouTube allows for tons of different video formats, so you really don’t have to worry about preparing your video file. I’ve not usually been very impressed with the quality of YouTube’s video output, but I can see now that the video owner is the one that is more in control of the quality. So, I’ll be experimenting with that more.
What has your experience been posting YouTube videos? Post yours here in the comments area along with your experience.
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